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For many professors in higher education, their main goal is research. For Eastern Michigan University Professor Emeritus Eleanor Wright, her goal was to help her students succeed.“For me, the greatest reward in program development and teaching has always been and always will be seeing the students succeed in the communications profession,” said Wright. “The best reward is having the people you’ve taught succeed.”​


Wright came to Eastern in 1979 after seeing an advertisement for a journalism professor in the newspaper. Within three years, she worked her way up the ranks and became an associate professor.


By 1983, Wright had created both public relations and written communications programs at the university. She was responsible for bringing the internship requirement to the public relations program, helped developed numerous key courses and also helped bring computers to the English department.


Today, the PRSSA Eleanor Wright Chapter at EMU seeks to develop its members’ knowledge and skills, so that every practitioner has the expertise necessary to succeed in the professional world. We are excited to welcome members of any field who want to learn how to expand their brand by networking with fellow members and PR professionals, attending agency tours and having access to a wealth of resources provided by the national organization.

Advancing the Profession and the Future Professional

Founded in 1967, the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is the foremost organization for students interested in public relations and communications. We advocate rigorous academic standards for public relations education, the highest ethical principles and diversity in the profession.


Who We Are

PRSSA is made up of more than 10,000 students and advisers organized into 300 plus and Peru. We are headquartered in New York City, and led by a National Committee of PRSSA and PRSA members. We have a rich history of support from our parent organization, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), which offers professional development, networking opportunities and news.


Membership Benefits

PRSSA can help you gain the experience and practical knowledge employers are seeking. We offer internship listings, competitions, scholarships, awards and leadership opportunities. In addition, PRSSA provides publications, news and social media to keep you updated on industry trends.


PRSSA can connect you to a network of peers and professionals who will become lifelong friends and mentors. We can facilitate the development of valuable relationships with future colleagues through PRSSA National and regional events, PRSSA Chapters and social media. We also provide the opportunity to meet current professionals through your PRSA sponsor Chapter, the Champions for PRSSA or by searching the PRSA member directory.


As a PRSSA member, you can use the PRSA Jobcenter and PRSSA Internship Center to find public relations employment opportunities all over the world. You also may join PRSA for just $60 a year as an Associate Member when you graduate, connecting you to 110 Chapters, 16 Professional Interest Sections and industry resources.

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